Defining the culture of a company isn’t a simple thing. It’s easier to experience than to describe. Our people love what they do and it shows. We are enthusiastic and decidedly optimistic. There are lots of unhappy people in the world these days, but not at FitzMartin. There are a few ideas that can help give shape to our company:
Everyone contributes.
Given our size, there are only critical roles in our company. Everyone is creative. We find a great strategy every bit as beautiful as a well-designed website; an effective account manager brings as much creativity to our business as a good writer.

is a really big deal.
are everyone's business

We are transparent,
meaning you'll always know how the business is doing and you'll see the effects of your work on our results.
We are challengers.
We love the hard problems. We love brands that are taking on the status quo, challenging competitors who are bigger and have more resources.

Our Work
Avadian Brand Assets have grown more than 30% and membership by more than 45%.
Alabama ONE Brand/Identity A minimalist approach creates a real point of visual differentiation from most brands in the sector.
Big Oak Ranch A unique approach to development